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Measurement data from Flex-o-Mat

Today, effect data is collected from several school kitchens in the Uppsala region. The effect data is provided through Sveriges dataportal and at Energiportal Region Uppsala. To increase awareness of power usage in the kitchens, an application in Tiunda school has been tested that later will be used in several other school kitchens. During the autumn, possible technical solutions was investigated. Find measurements from school kitchens below, the number of meals prepared by the kitchens is listed in each link.

Example - measurement data from two days in Tiunda school

The image shows measurement data in Grafana from two days from the school kitchen in Tiunda school. The power usage can look different depending on the kitchen equipment used and the dishes being prepared.

The left circle in the picture, "Grytor", shows the power usage when pots are used to prepare dishes in school kitchens. On the menu this day: Pasta with sauce verde and Pasta with cheese and turkey sauce.

The right circle in the picture, "Ugnar", shows the power usage when owens mainly are used to prepare dishes in school kitchens. On the menu this day: Quinoa patties with potato wedges and BBQ sauce, and Breaded fish fillet with boiled potatoes and sour cream sauce.

For further questions or if you want to learn more: 

Information about the project, contact Fredrik Björklund:

Questions to Måltidsservice, contact Sandra Harbom:

The project is runned by STUNS Energi in cooperation with Skolfastigheter, Måltidsservice in Uppsala municipality and CIT Energy Management. The project is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.